With the aim to simplify
For a long time the Clanbeat home dashboard has largely been left untouched. We felt like it was finally time to give it the love and care it needed. As you know, we have been listening to your feedback, and have been making changes over the past year.
We added all sorts of new features making Clanbeat a more powerful tool for learning and well-being. We would love to send a big thank you to each and everyone of you who have been kind enough to share your feedback and thoughts on how the Clanbeat experience could be better for you. Without further ado, we would like to run you through the changes.
How does it look like for group leads?
We split up your screen to three main blocks. On the top you have quick navigation features leading to the activity feed notifications, chat messages or settings. The second block is where you monitor and manage your group(s). And the third is for habit building.

Once you scroll below, you will see that now there’s an easy way to change or join a new Clanbeat nest (i.e. community account for learning).

For newcomers, we have also added an extra button to the homepage to make getting started with Clanbeat as easy as possible.

How does it look like for regular members?
The screen is still split to three main blocks. On the top you have quick navigation features to the activity feed notifications, to any chat messages or to settings. The second block is for your personal well-being. And the third is for habit building.

It’s possible to scroll from left to right to see all the buttons.

Once you scroll below, you will see that now there’s an easy way to change or join a new Clanbeat nest (i.e. community account for learning).

How did we do?
Please let us know what you think! Has this helped you? What do you mainly use Clanbeat for? What features would you like to be added to the existing well-being and learning features in Clanbeat?
Having a tough time with teaching online? We’re ready to assist! Reach out to us at hello@clanbeat.com
With the aim to simplify
For a long time the Clanbeat home dashboard has largely been left untouched. We felt like it was finally time to give it the love and care it needed. As you know, we have been listening to your feedback, and have been making changes over the past year.
We added all sorts of new features making Clanbeat a more powerful tool for learning and well-being. We would love to send a big thank you to each and everyone of you who have been kind enough to share your feedback and thoughts on how the Clanbeat experience could be better for you. Without further ado, we would like to run you through the changes.
How does it look like for group leads?
We split up your screen to three main blocks. On the top you have quick navigation features to the activity feed notifications, to any chat messages or to settings. The second block is to monitor and manage your group(s). And the third is for habit building.

Once you scroll below, you will see that now there’s an easy way to change or join a new Clanbeat nest (i.e. community account for learning).

For newcomers, we have also added an extra button to the homepage to make getting started with Clanbeat as easy as possible.

How does it look like for regular members?
The screen is still split to three main blocks. On the top you have quick navigation features to the activity feed notifications, to any chat messages or to settings. The second block is for your personal well-being. And the third is for habit building.

It’s possible to scroll from left to right to see all the buttons.

Once you scroll below, you will see that now there’s an easy way to change or join a new Clanbeat nest (i.e. community account for learning).

How did we do?
Please let us know what you think! Has this helped you? What do you mainly use Clanbeat for? What features would you like to be added to the existing well-being and learning features in Clanbeat?