Telia and Clanbeat collaboration: Estonian and Russian languages coming soon

So, when will Clanbeat be available in our native language?
This is a question we’ve heard a fair few times in 2020 when chatting with teachers in our home county.
Well, Estonian educators, your wish has been graciously granted. We’re thrilled to announce that with the kind support of Telia, our app will be available to use in both Estonian and Russian from the beginning of 2021.
Earlier this year, Telia took a closer look at how children and young people are managing distanced learning in the Baltic and Nordic countries. Their research exposed both the joys and pain-points students are facing today.
Born from Telia’s research findings and our shared motivation to create a positive impact, our collaboration was established. We’ve since been engaged in a joint mission to support student mental health and personal development, ensuring potential issues are identified and overcome at the earliest possible chance. By localising languages, teachers will be able to better engage their students, helping them to flourish in both their life and learning.
"For a very long time, we’ve been looking for a digital solution that would help prevent bullying at schools and support younger people’s mental health. When we heard of Clanbeat via the Education and Youth Authority, we realised immediately that this was just what we’d been searching for. What’s especially important for us is that the solution is created together with its main users — young people. We really hope that through Clanbeat another very cool innovation in education will hail from Estonia, sharing our positive experience with the world."
– Elo Võrk, Head of sponsorship and CSR at Telia Eesti
Stay tuned
At Clanbeat HQ we’ve warmly welcomed the help of one of Telia’s own experienced developers, as well as assistance with translations. Telia’s contribution has been pivotal in enabling us to undertake and sustain such a desirable feature for our local teachers.
From the entire Clanbeat clan, we would like to express the deepest gratitude to the Education and Youth Authority team for igniting this cooperation. And of course, a huge thank you to Telia for your incredible support.
Watch this space for more updates from us shortly.