We speak Estonian and Russian now too!

It’s official!
Clanbeat is now available for educators to use in Estonian and Russian.
The language localisations were brought about by the Estonian Education and Youth Board and completed with the staunch support of Telia Eesti. Together we’re working to strengthen school-wide support for mental health and well-being in Estonia.
Why is it especially important to support students’ mental health and learning now?
Take Estonia as a case study. PISA’s 2018 results highlighted a need for a greater emphasis on fostering a stronger sense of belonging in Estonian schools. It was already identified in 2018 that cooperation within learning communities enables students to feel more connected, giving our students a greater chance at success in their life and learning.
Flash forward two years to Spring 2020 and research by Tallinn University alerted us to the fact that approximately ⅓ of the families and children required additional attention and support. Distance learning, in particular, is attributed to an increase in stress and tension and a decrease in academic results.
What we’re seeing today is that distance learning and the pandemic has been a catalyst, intensifying a preexisting need for a better, more holistic approach to student support. With that in mind, our partners and our team decided to take action and support our local learning communities.
"For a very long time, we’ve been looking for a digital solution that would help prevent bullying at schools and support younger people’s mental health. When we heard of Clanbeat via the Education and Youth Authority, we realised immediately that this was just what we’d been searching for. What’s especially important for us is that the solution is created together with its main users — young people. We really hope that through Clanbeat another very cool innovation in education will hail from Estonia, sharing our positive experience with the world."
– Elo Võrk, Head of sponsorship and CSR at Telia Eesti
How exactly can Clanbeat help?
Co-created with students, teachers and school leaders, we connect teachers and students online and give them the tools needed to foster growth and community.
Students are encouraged to share thoughts and emotions and to plan and analyse learnings. Teachers are then presented with actionable data collected from students’ interaction. These insights better equip teachers to intervene early, preventing bigger problems from emerging.
Teachers’ time is saved and students’ needs are recognised and met.
Firmly based on contemporary knowledge of human learning and psychology, Clanbeat supports the development of various key skills including self-management, social and emotional, communication and cooperation.
What’s more Clanbeat is completely free for individual teachers and their groups.
"Our learners deserve the best tools in the world, which means science and evidence-based development together with the end-users, i.e. students and teachers. That is what Clanbeat has been doing outstandingly. We are very happy to see that Estonian edtech companies are finding opportunities and supporters for operating in our local market as its small size does not provide for sustainable development when acting alone. Their global success is the success of Estonian education as their solutions will create the backbone of personalised education system here in our country and abroad."
– Aivar Hiio, the project manager in the Education and Youth Board